
How To Use Garden Tech Sevin Ready To Use

3 reviews

Garden Tech Sevin Ready To Use Bug Killer Reviews

Garden Tech Sevin Ready To Use Bug Killer

This product really works!

Very easy to use and very effective on the vermin in my vermin in my garden that were eating my tomatoes and chili peppers.

Charlotte, NC

works perfectly

Nothing is more rewarding then growing your own garden fruits and veggies and being able to go outside and pick from what you have grown yourself. Its a lot of work keeping the garden weed and bug free but sevin big killer makes it a lot easier. There is nothing worse then having bugs destroy your hard work. In my large garden and my flower beds I have had numerous bugs damage my plants. Sevin works great on every insect I've had on my plants. Its easy to use and very effective. You do however need to carefully read the instructions because there are guidelines that need to be followed and also a time table for harvesting after spraying. I have also used sevin dust that is also ready to use but I much prefer this ready to use spray. Its easier to use and less messy. I've used it on fruit and veggies as well as my flower beds and it does what it's supposed to.


Effective and easy to use!

Last year I suffered a huge disappointment when I found that my tomatoes and strawberries were being eaten by some sort of insect. I tried many natural remedies for warding off bugs but nothing really seemed to work. It was frustrating seeing all my handwork destroyed by a freeloading pest. This year I decided to try Sevin. I picked up a single bottle of the ready-to-use spray because it seemed like the easiest to use, and it was a good value. This product comes with a very informative booklet with full instructions on how to use the spray. It clearly states how long one must wait before harvesting and consuming plants that have been treated. It's very easy to understand and the charts are very easy to read and follow. I'm happy to report that all my tomatoes are intact this year! My strawberries are also untouched! For good measure I've also used this on my peppers, cucumbers and assorted squashes and melons. Everything looks amazing. No bugs. No damaged vegetables. I couldn't be happier!


Sevin Is Now In A Ready To Use Form

I can remember as a child growing up how my Daddy would kill insects in the garden. He always said that Sevin Dust was the best. He had to use it in a "Powder" form. He would get one of my Mom's old nylon stocking and put the Sevin Dust in the stocking. The best time of day to do this was in the early morning when the moisture from the dew was still on the plants. He would walk down each row ,shaking the stocking up and down over the plants as he walked.The Sevin dust would cover the moist plants, giving them a white appearance. The insects died as they crawled over the plants. I never knew if they ate the stuff or just how it worked but it did. Now Sevin comes in a liquid and in a spray bottle. You can simply spray the plants now.Much easier and a cleaner process and it works just as well. Sevin kills over 100 insect pests including Japanese Beetles,Cabbage Worms,Ticks,Ants,and many more.It can be used on ornamental,flowers,fruits,and in your vegetable garden as well. Now I can use Sevin like my Daddy but, without the mess. I am sure it is safer than breathing in that "dust."

Rocky Mount, NC

Garden Tech Sevin Ready To Use Bug Killer


How To Use Garden Tech Sevin Ready To Use


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