
What Desert Animal Stores Fat In Its Tail

Fatty-Tailed Dunnart

Sminthopsis crassicaudata

Fat-tailed dunnarts are small, mouse-like marsupials, closely related to quolls and Tasmanian devils. Their optics and ears are large, the snout is pointed and the tail is thick. During periods of abundant nutrient, they store fatty in their tails for a short time, due to which their tails go swollen, becoming thinner during the wintertime. These fat stores allow dunnarts to survive food shortages.



Fatty-tailed dunnart is an Australian marsupial, found west of the Great Dividing Range and south of the Tropic of Capricorn. This animal inhabits a wide diverseness of environments from the southern coast to the arid inland regions, occurring in open woodlands, shrublands and grass-lands.

Fat-Tailed Dunnart habitat map


Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

Fat-tailed dunnarts are nocturnal and alone animals, but sometimes they forms modest groups. They spend their daytime hours sleeping in dark, secluded places. During the cooler seasons, they nest and slumber in groups to conserve heat. They can also nest with other animals, including the common business firm mouse. Each private has its own home range. They take large territories, which overlap and can modify during the yr. Females of this species are known for their highly territorial beliefs, fiercely defending the territory, surrounding their nesting site equally they have older young. However, males practice not appear to exist territorial. In guild to salvage free energy, fat-tailed dunnarts can undergo winter torpor, which is similar to hibernation and can final from just a few hours to several days. When dunnarts awake from the torpid state, they use a lot of energy in order to raise their torso temperature. During these periods, they typically spend their time sunbathing.

Nutrition and Diet

This marsupial are mainly insectivores. Their diet consists of various insects such equally beetles or spider larvae, with add-on of amphibians and pocket-sized reptiles.

Mating Habits

Fat-tailed dunnarts may showroom either polygynous or polygynandrous (promiscuous) mating systems, having multiple partners over their short lifetime. Reproduction depends on weather atmospheric condition: if there are suitable atmospheric condition, females tin can breed and give births without breaks for upward to 6 months. Fat-tailed dunnarts brood from July to February. Gestation period lasts for 13 - 16 days, yielding a litter of 6 - 8 young, sometimes up to x. Females of this species are ordinarily alone nesters. They build their nesting sites from dried vegetation nether logs, rocks or in deep ground hollows. Newborn babies remain in the pouch of their mother, before they leave it permanently at lx days quondam. After that, the female person tin leave her young in the nest while she forages. Complete weaning occurs at nigh 70 days old. Sexual maturity is reached at 4 - 5 months sometime. Females get-go breed during the first year of their lives.


Population threats

Fat-tailed dunnarts generally endure from the aforementioned threats every bit most modest mammals in Australia. They are threatened by loss of their natural habitat. Fat-tailed dunnarts compete with pest animals of their range. They are predated past cats, foxes and other feral species. And finally, these marsupials may be mistaken for mice and as a result, trapped.

Population number

According to IUCN, the Fat-tailed dunnart is common and widespread throughout its range but no overall population judge is available. All the same, today this species' numbers are stable, and it's currently classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • Newborn babies of this species are extremely small, fifty-fifty smaller than a grain of rice.
  • Fatty-tailed dunnarts both in captivity and in the wild enjoy eating hard-boiled eggs and minced meat.
  • These marsupials may both feed upon the common house mice when hungry and huddle together with them in the aforementioned nest to warm up during the cold season of year.
  • Fatty-tailed dunnart is a night forager and night feeder. This fauna is able to swallow every bit much nutrient every bit its own weight.
  • Instead of drinking water, these dunnarts go all required moisture from their food.
  • In order to save free energy, Fatty-tailed dunnarts may occasionally undergo torpid country during the twenty-four hour period, which is a short period of dormancy. They usually enter torpor during mating and development. In add-on, lactating females are known to undergo periods of torpor, which have no negative effects on their young.
  • When in torpor, their body temperature decreases from 34.viii to degrees of Celsius.


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